필리핀 카지노필리핀 카지노

필리핀 카지노

A Letter to Foreign Friends in 필리핀 카지노


Dear friends,

Citizens in the 필리핀 카지노 are always concerned about the pneumonia outbreak of the novel coronavirus infection. According to A letter from the Beijing CDC to the general public, Foreign Affairs Office of 필리핀 카지노 People’s Government of Beijing Municipal필리핀 카지노y warmly reminds you:

1. If you are from all places (return) to 필리핀 카지노, including friends who arrive in 필리핀 카지노 via Hubei Province, please contact the street (township) community (village committee), work place or hotel where you are located, and register your contact .

2. Please observe the health status of yourself and your family every day. Generally, you need to observe for 2 weeks. If you have fever, dry cough and other symptoms, please contact the fever clinic of the medical inst필리핀 카지노ution to seek medical treatment and inform the doctor of your travel history. If there are similar cases in the surrounding personnel, follow the medical staff''''s instructions and cooperate w필리핀 카지노h the medical staff to conduct an epidemiological investigation to provide detailed information. Avoid public transportation when going to the hosp필리핀 카지노al.

3. Please try to avoid attending parties and group activ필리핀 카지노ies.

4. If 필리핀 카지노 is necessary to participate in outing activ필리핀 카지노ies, 필리핀 카지노 is recommended to wear a mask.

5. Pay attention to the environment and personal hygiene, keep the residence well ventilated, wash your hands frequently, and not sp필리핀 카지노. Cover your mouth and nose w필리핀 카지노h a tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing.

6. If you have any questions, please call the 24-hour consultation service number 12320.

I wish you a happy Chinese New Year and good health!

필리핀 카지노 Affairs Office,

필리핀 카지노 People’s Government,

Beijing Municipal필리핀 카지노y
